We depend on donations from users of our database of over 8000 edible and useful plants to keep making it available free of charge and to further extend and improve it. In recent months donations are down, and we are spending more than we receive. Please give what you can to keep PFAF properly funded. More >>>

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Traditional Ecological Knowledge Prior Art Database (T.E.K.* P.A.D.)
This is a repository of resources of plant uses and information focussing on use by different cultures. The aim of the project is to collect as much "prior art" about the plants as possible. If prior art on a particular plant use exists then in can prevent such information being patented and ensures that the information will remain in the public domain for all to use. The Plants For A Future Dataset is included in this website.
Country United States
Sections :AcademicBotanical InformationDirectories/ListingsEthnobotanyPlant DatabasesPublic Domain

We are building food-forest-theater-studios to create media. Our studios will research sacred poetry based on tree-lore and seasonal observation of life. They will also act as sanctuary to at risk life-forms Then we will produce media to get humans into the "Art of the Fugue" and have them re-fusing to Our Lady Gaia.
Country United States Region 92595
Sections :PermacultureOrganicsSustainable AgricultureWoodland GardeningAgroforestryUrban PermacultureCompostSoilWildlife/ConservationBio-diversityTreesHerbs and Medicinal PlantsFruit Cropsnative plantsBiomassFungiLow impact livingSustainable livingWildcraftAppropriate TechnologyAnimal RightsHealth IssuesSpiritualRaw FoodFood IssuesGenetics/GMOPublic DomainLocal FoodClimate ChangeOpen To PublicVolunteeringResearchNetworkingTalksPlant SuppliersFarmers MarketsEthnobotanyCommunitiesEco-villagesNetworks

Public domain images of plants
Public domain plant images, top quality high resolution images, thousands of plant photos in nicely hierarchically organized folders, easy to browse, and all are free for download and any personal and/or commercial use.
Country United States
Sections :Sustainable AgricultureAgroforestryPermaculture DesignTrees and WoodlandsWild PlantsWild Food/ForagingRare Plants/Heritage SeedsWildlife/ConservationBio-diversitybotanical illustrationBee plantsPublic DomainOpen To PublicPhoto GallerysPlant DatabasesCharities

© 2010, Plants For A Future. Plants For A Future is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Charity No. 1057719, Company No. 3204567.